by März Kinsoul | @marzpoetic_cave
The rapper tells all, from turning his pain into music and navigating the world while being a young Black man in 2020.
Chris Aaron had an early start into music at the age of 14. You'd think he'd be using his pencil to dive into his school work, but instead he’s using it to write rhymes.
März Kinsoul: What inspired you to do music? Did anyone inspire you to do it?
Chris Aaron: What inspired me is when I was watching people from the 90s, I saw how they were living they had nice cars, nice shoes, big ass chains, and today hustle I see how people from the same area made it out, so I wanna be able to thrive make nothing into something to shine and help my family. Who really inspired me was NWA (niggas with attitude) and Kodak Black. To see where they came from, especially Kodak, him being from the same county as me, and to see them turn trauma and pain into art.
Photo by: März Kinsoul
MK: How would you describe the music you create?
CA: I would describe it as something I want people to hear what I'm putting out so people can vibe and get turnt, cause I can make a vibe style song or a hype mosh pit something the young community would like. I would try to switch it and throw something lyrically.
MK: Today's music artist names can be weird and unique but I know there's always a deeper meaning, what's the meaning behind your name?
CA: I’m young, and I was always seen with a JanSport book bag, so I came up with trapboy.jan.
MK: Who do you see yourself being signed with?
CA: Epic records/1017 (Gucci mane).
MK: What is a day in the studio like with you?
CA: A day with me is straight focus, grinding, nonstop songs back to back always gotta focus on your music cause if you playing around you gone fuck up, gotta be serious.
MK: If you could work and open with any artist, who would it be?
CA: Chief Keef and DaBaby.
MK: As you see the craziness that's going on in the world with the coronavirus and the recent murder of George Floyd, how do you live with all that is going on especially being a young Black man?
CA: It's fuck up what they did to him. He was a father, a son, a brother, you know, and they just took his life like that, but God sees all they'll get what's coming to em. But with this coronavirus shit, I feel everything gonna be ight soon, everyone just gotta do their part and stay cool, calm, and collected. AND WEAR YA FUCKING MASK. (Jan said while throwing his hands up laughing.)
Photo by: März Kinsoul
MK: Even though we're in a pandemic right now and it seems a little hard for anyone to make money and pursue their dreams how they want it. What are ways you're developing your music career right now.
CA: Being present on social media, building a fan base, trying to find good promotions so more people can discover me and know who I am.
MK: Who's your biggest influence right now?
CA: My family and friends and supporters.
MK: And lastly, what could we expect from you in the future?=
Smiling with confidence, Chris says, "More music people gonna hear all over the world."
To stay in touch with trapboy.jan you can follow his Instagram at @trapboy.jan and for bookings/features Listen to his music here.