Wack Prom: A Night to Remember
Photography Tianna Loverde (@tiannaloverde) Creative Direction Carolina Alcantara (@quecaro) and Erina McSweeney (@erinamcsweeney) Styling Mara Tatevosion (@maratatevos), Chloe Weisberg (@chloeweisberg) and Kate Cunningham (@katewcunningham) Models Jane Moritz (@janemoritz), Shruti Rajkumar (@shruti.rajkumar) and Mariama Condé (@mariamaconde) Make-Up Megan Aubry (@meg.aubry) Hair Jose Barrera-Aguirre (@j.cba)
When our team was brainstorming ideas for our very first shoot, our creative director, Carolina, brought up the photos she recently found on a disposable camera that she and her friends used to capture the process of getting ready for prom. We all agreed that dancing around our bedrooms while putting on makeup, eating snacks, and singing to our favorite songs were the best parts of our prom experiences, not the actual dance. So, here we tried to capture those intimate moments before a night to (hopefully) remember.

And lastly, for your ears, a playlist of our lovely models' favorite songs to get the night started!