sunday grocery list

Written by Neo | @pansybits

inspired by c. t. salazar’s poem “noah’s nameless wife takes inventory”

milk lemon flour cherry

lips the taste of spring and don’t forget the sugar

cubes sink your fingers in a teacup

searching for an answer

find god but it’s not her is it?

it’s an old friend it’s a long story it’s okay

half a dozen of eggs broken promises

a lost “i love you” hidden inside

a cereal box a belated farewell a coward

smile frozen in time unheard melody

a choir of blue birds ripe oranges stubborn kisses

citric regret bitter aftertaste a pack of breath mints

on discount sweet teary hazel eyes like chocolate

cigarettes and a pair of worn out shoes to walk in

how much weight cantwo shoulderscarry?

Neo (he/him) is a bilingual, a transsexual, a slow reader, a poet, an artist, and the author of Son of Pollution.




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