by Justine Sargent | @jnsargent
his laughter crawls lazily, syrupy.
blue eyes meet mine, the moment
washed in molasses. his feet planted like
stalks and mine tucked for warmth. our bodies
warming by the minute. his arm rests passively behind
me, reaching, not quite an invitation but a
benign beckoning. he’s so complacent.
he’ll never understand me.
“what should we watch tonight?” something
violent? sexy? absurd? an american
werewolf in london, to lighten the mood. the
infatuated lovers couple and
crawl on-screen. sex and wolf-men, wolves,
more-than-human bodies. his soft
fingers move listlessly like blades of
grass, foregrounding the night blue
fabric. the wolfman chases a man in the
subway, no longer himself. arranging my
body, looser, elongating curves and womanly
limbs. just like a murder scene – hide the body,
hide the body. don’t look at me. he’s half-hard.
a woman cries on-screen: “david, please let me
help you.” wolf growls and wolf teeth –
trapped in the alley. he stretches and groans –
feet tap, toes curl – claws. he eyes my chest
in his periphery. the wolfman is shot dead, violent and
absurd. his fingers tap a steady rhythm
close to my head. he wants something but won’t
say its name. the screen fades to
black, credits roll, basking in afterglow like
benediction. did you like the movie? he
laughs, inaccessible to me. “yeah, sure.”
more police sirens, another groan,
another second drips sweetly
over my soft body, splayed –
half-woman and
Justine Sargent (she/they) is a writer and publishing professional based in the San Francisco Bay Area.